I do hope that you all enjoyed a peaceful and restful Exeat? Miss Becky, Miss Danielle, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. Monk kindly gave up their time to represent the school at Sunday’s results show of The X Factor….and mixed with the stars!
It has been another busy week here at Woodcote as we move inexorably towards the business end of term. Rugby started in earnest on Tuesday afternoon, much to Mr. Lyddon’s delight. Early signs are that there should be some good sides playing next term. It never ceases to amaze me just how much the boys enjoy knocking seven bells out of each other.
On Tuesday evening we had our first ever Christingle Service, performed by the boys in Juniors 1 and 2. It was good to see so many of the Juniors’ parents in chapel and the service was beautifully sung and very moving in parts. The boys had all decorated their oranges with candles, red ribbon, grapes and of course sweets which they devoured in the Junior End afterwards!
On Thursday I took the boys clay pigeon shooting again at Bisley. Here, I hope (?!), is a video of a boy nailing both clays. I think it’s time for some matches against other schools. According to Mrs. Mark there was once a clay pigeon shooting fixture versus Ludgrove here at Woodcote….National Prep School Polo and Clay Pigeon Champions??!
On returning from Bisley, the afternoon was taken up with the dress rehearsal of the Junior Play. This was the first time that the boys had had a chance to perform in front of an audience and it passed off pretty well, apart from one of the ghosts falling off the front of the stage during his entrance. Without wishing to ‘big them up’ too much, the cast are all superb and this really is a play not to be missed. I do hope that you will come and watch it.
On Friday evening the man who owns the local lizard shop – Global Geckos – came to talk to the boys about the conservation and protection of these creatures. He brought with him a chameleon, gecko, tortoise and the biggest snake I have ever seen. The boys all had the opportunity to touch these reptiles and the best question came from one boy who asked, ” If a man walked into your shop wearing crocodile shoes and a snakeskin belt whilst eating a frog….would you sell him a reptile or tell him to get lost?” Priceless!
I shall report back next week with a review of the weekend’s activities – Junior Play, House Music and House Shout and they will be available on DVD at the end of term, but I do hope that as many of you as possible will be able to watch them live.
Finally, Holey is preaching tomorrow in Chapel for only the second time. If it is anything like as powerful as his first sermon, your attendance would be very worthwhile.
That is all.