Well the first Exeat came upon us very quickly, to coincide with the first of the two May Bank Holidays. We have been back for a week though now since then and the term seems to be in full swing. We have had three sets of fixtures so far – Pilgrim’s, St. George’s and Elstree – with mixed success across the age groups. Two year groups have also been out camping at the weekends and the Wood-fired Pizza Oven has seen plenty of use already.
We had an Open weekend this weekend with Chapel on Saturday at 11:45am. It was good to see so many parents there and also at lunch afterwards. There were no matches in the afternoon but the boys got in some valuable net practice as well as swimming, and football on the Back Field. Sunday was even more relaxed than usual, with no Chapel to get in the way of free time. The Tuck Shop has been restocked with a fine range of excellent modern and ‘retro’ sweets – I can’t remember the last time I had a bag of Revels…probably whilst watching Police Academy 2 at the Staines ABC in 1984!
Mrs. Woodall took the boys to Horseshoe Lake in the afternoon so that they could go sailing and kayaking. It was a huge success and there is already talk of at least one more trip there this term, alongside the Wednesday afternoon visits by the Woodcote Sailing Club. I hope to take the 6th Form there too, post-CE, as part of their Leavers’ programme.
This week, CE gets under way with Mental Maths, French Listening and French Oral. I think the boys are as prepared as they can be and it will be good for them to get going, after all this waiting. We have matches against Brockhurst on Wednesday – for those who haven’t been, or haven’t read my previous posts, they have the best egg sandwiches on the circuit. Well worth a visit, whatever the result.
On Friday Annabel Hannam will be here taking more photographs of the boys at work and play – these will be available on her website, as before. The 5th form will be hosting a barbeque on Friday evening. On Saturday there is Chapel at 11:45 and I am delighted that Colin Holman will be coming to preach. I do hope that many parents will come and listen and perhaps join us for lunch afterwards. There are matches against Sunningdale in the afternoon followed by 3rd form and Juniors Camping and Pizza night.
On Sunday the 5th form leave for their three-day tour of the battlefield sites of the First World War and there will be, among other entertainment, an inter-house Summer Games competition for all those left behind.
Let’s just hope the weather starts to pick up a bit…..
That is all.