by david | Jul 14, 2016 | The Headmaster's Blog
Sitting at my desk in the relative peace and tranquility of an empty school – I say ‘relative’ as Chris Wilkinson is feverishly scraping off the varnish from the woodwork outside my study… – I have the opportunity to look back over the...
by david | Jun 20, 2016 | Woodcote House School News
Some lucky Spanish boys were treated to an outing to the All England Tennis club following their Cambridge PET (Preliminary English Test) which made all the hard work in the exams worthwhile!! ...
by david | Jun 10, 2016 | Woodcote House School News
Thank you to all those who have already replied to the Knights’ Leaving bash on Friday 8th July. If you have not yet replied, please do so ASAP as it would be lovely to see as many of you as possible for drinks from 6-8pm.
by david | Jun 5, 2016 | The Boarders' Blog
Typical British weather meant a few pleasant surprises initially, alongside rather more disappointments: the first week of term was encouraging, the school grounds were looking cricket..ready and the pool was heating up nicely. However consistency has never been a...
by david | Jun 5, 2016 | The Headmaster's Blog
Here we are, half way through the term and yet not on half term for another two weeks. Why? Surely it would be far easier to have half term at the same time as everyone else – it would certainly be easier for some Woodcote families with children at different schools....