Woodcote House
Co-Educational Pre-Prep School Windlesham Surrey
(Reception onwards)
Pre-Prep Information
Why is Woodcote opening a pre-prep?
Since becoming Headmaster of Woodcote last September, Oliver Paterson has been keen to grow the school and, with lots of enquiries from families with children for Reception to Year 2 over the last few years, opening a pre-prep seems like a natural development for the school. Welcoming girls and boys from Reception to Year 2 will allow us to provide our individual approach to education right from the early years curriculum.
Why choose Woodcote for pre-prep?
Woodcote is a family-run school in Windlesham, Surrey, with 30 acres of beautiful grounds and woodland. Woodcote pupils benefit from endless opportunities, both in and out of the classroom. Our pre-prep pupils will benefit from the same small class sizes, ensuring every pupil contributes and is motivated to reach their full potential. Every pupil will be encouraged to get involved in every aspect of school life. The small class sizes also mean that teachers will be able to stretch those that are academically able and support those that need a little extra help.
Will the prep school also be co-ed?
The prep school will not be co-educational from September 2025. Girls that have started in Reception in September 2025 would be able to continue into the prep school in September 2028.
Where will the pre-prep be located?
We will redevelop an existing building and create an enclosed play area adjacent to that building. The location is close to the main school building and sports facilities so that the pre-prep pupils will be able to use all the prep school facilities.
Will there be access to outside space?
In addition to the enclosed outdoor play area, pre-prep pupils will have access to all the school grounds for sports and forest school.
When can we see the pre-prep?
Redevelopment of the building is scheduled to start in Spring 2025, but any prospective family is welcome to come and look around the prep school, see the location and have a meeting with the Headmaster.
What will be the main entry point for joining Woodcote?
Boys will still be able to join Woodcote in any year group that has availability. The main entry points will be Reception in the September following a child’s fourth birthday and Year 3.
How big will the classes be?
We believe that small class sizes, with an average of 10-12 pupils, help each individual to achieve their maximum potential. Small class sizes in our prep school have ensured that every pupil will be in a sports team, every pupil will be in a play and every pupil will contribute in class.
How long is the school day and will you offer wrap around care?
Drop-off will be between 8.20-8.40am each morning (Monday to Friday) and the school day will finish at 3.15pm. It will be possible to make arrangements to drop your child earlier in the morning and after school care will be provided in the form of a clubs or activity, which will run until 5.30pm.
Will pre-prep children have to do any boarding?
Pupils in our pre-prep will not be offered the opportunity to board. Boarding is offered to pupils in Year 3 and above.
Will lunch and snacks be provided?
Pre-prep pupils will have a hot meal provided at lunch time, and a biscuit or fruit will be provided at break time in the morning. All dietary requirements can be accommodated by our Chef and the pupils will use the main school dining room for lunch.
Will there be a uniform?
All pupils will wear a school uniform and games kit. A uniform list will be provided to parents before their child joins the school.
What will the termly fee be for Reception?
We expect the fees to be £5,250 per term for Reception, £5,600 per term for Year 1 and £6,000 for Year 2. These fees would be inclusive of VAT and there are no hidden extras. Learning support and peripatetic music lessons would be charged separately. All fees are reviewed and set by the proprietor, taking effect in the Summer Term (April).
How will admissions work?
All parents are welcome to visit the school and meet with the Headmaster. If parents feel that Woodcote is the right school for their child, he or she must be registered via the Registrar, Mrs Charlotte Brehaut, and a non-refundable registration fee of £100 is payable. Mrs Brehaut may be contacted via telephone (01276 472115) or email admissions@woodcotehouseschool.co.uk). Please do contact her if you have any further questions or would like to book in for a visit.
Once registered, pupils will be invited for a Taster Day, which is an opportunity for discreet assessment in the classroom. We always look for potential and attitude to learning, rather than focussing solely on academic ability. We are looking for pupils who will thrive and contribute positively to life at Woodcote.
Will provision be made for applicants with SEN?
Woodcote will act in accordance with the Equality Act 2010, taking reasonable measures to support a child with physical difficulties and, where possible, make adjustments for accessibility. If a pupil is socially or academically very far behind what is expected, the Headmaster would take advice from the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) before offering a place. Regardless of whether a pupil has any special educational needs or disability, all pupils must be able to cope with the academic curriculum and high standards of behaviour expected.
Who will teach the pupils in Reception to Year 2?
Each class from Reception to Year 2 will have its own fully qualified teacher and support from a teaching assistant. Woodcote will remain a small school and will use the experience and expertise of its long-standing staff to support the pre-prep staff with sports, music, art, and clubs.
What will pupils be taught?
For EYFS (Reception), pupils will focus on literacy and numeracy each morning, with afternoons covering a rich curriculum of humanities and science, music, drama, art, team-building, and PSHEE.
Focus on literacy & numeracy continues in Year 1 and Year 2, but pupils will spend progressively more time on French, geography, history, music & drama, science, TPR, ICT and sports.
Will homework be set?
Daily reading will be set with a ‘Reading Record’ book for each pupil to be completed by the teacher for reading at school, and by the parents for reading done at home. No other homework will be set.