Woodcote House is our community where the individual matters’ is the overriding principle of the Code of Behaviour. We aim to provide an inclusive environment where all individual pupils can achieve and flourish in all aspects of their life here. A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum provides equal opportunities for all pupils to realise their potential irrespective of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or disability. In short, Woodcote is committed to ensuring equality and celebrating diversity. Therefore, Woodcote encourages not only individual personal development, but teamwork and mutual respect for others. This is expressed not only through the Code of Behaviour, but our aims and principles encourage the boys to be; happy and safe, confident, selfless, tolerant, respectful and well mannered. The highest individual standards are expected and any behaviour that threatens the welfare of others, for example unkindness or bullying, will not be tolerated as it is entirely contrary to our ethos. Considered provision is made for pupils with particular religious, dietary, language or cultural needs. Pupils with religious needs (please also see SMSC Policy)

We aim to provide the following:

  • Teaching within the Religious Studies syllabus on Christianity and other major world religions. This is not exclusively the influence of Religious Studies and other departments have a role in developing understanding and mutual respect.
  • The opportunity for pupils of different faiths to observe their religious commitments (including, for example, practical arrangements like a packed breakfast during Ramadan that can be collected the evening before).
  • A willingness to seek out and provide alternative arrangements for worship for individual members of faiths other than Christianity. All pupils attend Chapel, but if this is a concern to parents or the pupil, there is an openness to discuss alternative arrangements.

Pupils with dietary needs (please see Medical Policy and Anaphylaxis Policy ) We aim to provide the following:

  • Posters written by the Health Centre for pupils with dietary needs (for example food allergies, intolerances or food related issues).
  • Open and friendly consultations between individual pupils and the Head Chef to ensure that specific dietary needs are provided for.
  • On-going monitoring and support from the catering team to ensure that requirements are met on a daily basis.
  • A Food Committee where pupils can have an opportunity to discuss dietary needs.
  • Provision of halal meat.

Pupils with language needs

We aim to provide the following:

  • Additional language support with specialist EAL teachers either in small groups or on an individual basis, according to need.
  • Good communication between individual subject teachers, tutors and the EAL department.

Pupils with cultural needs We aim to provide the following:

  • Support for individual pupils with particular cultural needs (for example changing facilities).
  • Annual questionnaires which give all international students an opportunity to make suggestions and raise concerns.