Woodcote House
Our committed, enthusiastic staff are totally dedicated to the care of the boys in our charge. Each boy receives our individual care and attention and is encouraged and motivated to achieve his potential both in and out of the classroom.
Mr O Paterson
Deputy Headmaster (Academic)
Mr A Monk (4th Form Tutor)
Deputy Headmaster (Pastoral) and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mr T Ramage (3rd Form Tutor)
Head of Boarding & Matrons
Mrs D Ramage (5th Form Tutor)
Proprietor & Scholarship Tutor
Mr N Paterson
Mr D Paterson
Mr H Elliott (4th Form Tutor)
Miss C Fisher (6th Form Tutor)
Mr E Hind (Science)
Mr B Howroyd (6th Form Tutor)
Mr J Kerr (5th Form Tutor)
Mrs K Lumsden (Art)
Mr N Ovenden (Head of Music)
Mrs D Ramage (5th Form Tutor)
Mr G Thwaytes (2nd Form Tutor)
Miss D Vianello (1st Form Tutor)
Learning Support
Mrs M Rees
Ms S Jenkins
Matronal/Gap Team
Miss L Marx
Mr J Beresford
Mr G Lyddon
Miss I Tighe
Miss S Vorrath
Ms E Woodhouse
Assistant Bursar
Ms N Malhas
Registrar & School Secretary
Mrs C Brehaut
Head Groundsman
Mr I Wordley
School Shop
Mrs L Monk